Karo testaa

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You have 5 value left.

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Statements concerning the brand, marketing communication and photography

On a scale of 1 to 5, please indicate your level of agreement to the following statements.
(1 = Strongly disagree, 5 = Strongly agree)

You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
Competitors and brand positioning


Viking Line photography

Evaluate the current Viking Line images.
On a scale of 1 to 5, please indicate your level of agreement to the following statements.
(1 = Strongly disagree, 5 = Strongly agree)

Viking Line photography communicates that...

You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.
You have 5 value left.

Choose three photographs from the Viking Line image bank, that you think work particularly well.
Share them either by writing the image file names below or adding the actual images.

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